Worship With Us

At Flower Mound UMC we believe worship is a vital aspect of our spiritual formation. Gathering to celebrate together, pray together, lament together, sing, share praise, and so much more helps us to stay connected as a congregation. In fact, the word "religion," from the Latin word religio literally means to "re-ligament" or "re-connect." No matter what brings you to us on a Sunday morning - the invitation from a friend, a major life change, trauma, or mere curiosity - we hope your participation in our worship services will be as inspiring to you as your presence is to us, connecting you with the divine and us to one another.



Upcoming Worship Events

Blessing of the Backpacks - August 11 - 8:30, 9:30 and 11 am worship services

All educators, staff and students of all ages are invited to a backpack or bag blessed as you embark upon a new adventure. A special time in worship service will be dedicated for the blessing. More information HERE.

Join the Church Sunday - September 15 - 8:30, 9:30 and 11 am worship services

As members of Flower Mound United Methodist Church, you vow to support the church with your "prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness." Join the Church Sunday is a great opportunit to take membership vows in a group setting. More information HERE.

Sonshine Kids Sunday - September 22 - 11 am worship service

We will worship with our Sonshine Kids Preschool families this Sunday and join in fellowship afterwards with food trucks and fun! More information to come.

Depart to Serve - September 29 - Kick-off  /  October 6 - Celebration

Our annual 'Depart to Serve' week kicks off on Sunday, September 29 with several projects serving the local community. There will be projects all week for all ages and abilities followed by celebration on Sunday, October 6 in worship. More information to come!

Children's Sabbath and Bible Presentation - October 20 - 11 am worship service

FMUMC Children and Youth will be leading us in worship on October 20 at the 11 am worship service. Children in 3rd-5th grades who have not received a bible will be presented one during this service as well. More information HERE.

All Saints Sunday - November 3

Sunday, November 3 is "All Saints Sunday" where we will name the saints who have had an impact on our faith or in the church. More information to come.

Two Sacraments

Baptism | signifies a person's incorporation and adoption by God into the Christian faith family. In the United Methodist tradition, we believe that through baptism God's grace is extended to a person whether they are an adult, choosing to accept Christ in their life later in their years, or a child, whom the parents' commit to raising in the Christian tradition. We believe that God does not discriminate on age nor does God revoke the grace bestowed in baptism. Therefore, we only baptize a person one time. If you have already been baptized, you do not need to be baptized again, though there is an option to renew your baptismal vows.  If you have not been baptized, we can arrange your or your child's baptism you personally prior to joining. For more information on Baptism contact our Senior Pastor.

Communion | In the United Methodist Church, we believe that the Lord's Supper, instituted by Jesus before his death, conveys the real presence of Christ. Jesus promised to be with us always, even after His ascension and that presence is made real to us as we gather at the Communion table together. In the Methodist Church all people are invited to the Lord's Table. We celebrate Communion on the First Sunday of every month. Similarly, as an additional offering to God, each month we highlight a missions opportunity and collect a rail offering.


Children in Worship and Nursery

Children in Worship | An important component of raising children in the Christian faith is inviting them to experience worship. We welcome children of all ages in worship, wiggles and all. If, however, you need to excuse yourself there is a Family Room located in the back of the sanctuary. The Family Room can be accessed through the double doors of the Narthex across from the Nursery. Ushers will be happy to help you find the room. In the Family Room you can see and hear worship. 

Nursery | Nursery care is available for children ages 3 months through Pre-K from 8:15am - 12:15pm during Worship hours and the Sunday School hour.

Worship hours at 8:30am, 9:30am and 11:00am

Sunday School is at 9:30am

Upcoming Events

Friendship Circle Meeing
September 16, 2024

Join this group of women once a month as they gather for book studies and fellowship. The group...

AA Group Meeting
September 16, 2024

This is a Closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA members and those who have a drinking...

Overeaters Anonymous
September 16, 2024

Overeaters Anonymous meets each Monday night from 7:30 - 8:30pm in Rooms C2/4. Enter the...

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