Joyful Noise

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and come before God's presence with a song."  -- Psalm 100

Make a Joyful Noise

Check out our Music Options

(explore in more detail below)

Singing Opportunities

  • Sanctuary Choir
  • "The Blue Shirt" Men's Choir
  • "Cantate Domini" Youth Choir
  • Liturgical Movment Troupe
  • PB & JAM (Primary Bible & Jesus, Arts & Music)

Instrumental Opportunities

  • Celebration Ringers
  • "Joyful Noise" Ringers
  • Brass Ensemble
  • Good Vibrations Orchestra
  • Ukelele Choir

Seasonal & Festival Opportunities

  • Easter Services
  • Christmas Services

Welcome to FMUMC's Music Ministry

My name is Conner McMains, and it is my privilege to direct the Music Ministry at Flower Mound UMC. Music brings beauty, excitement and inspiration to worship.  If you want to honor God by sharing your musical gifts and are looking for a place to connect with others who do the same, we invite you to join us, and be part of a loving community who cares for one another through all of life's ups and downs.  Take a minute to look over the music ministry opportunities and pray about where God might be calling you to use your gift.

Why We Sing

The universal language of music is never more meaningful, sincere, or relevant as when it is offered in praise and thanksgiving to God. Our choirs sing a wide variety of music, including choral classics by the masters, spirituals and gospel music, contemporary music anthems, Taize meditations and other global music.

At Flower Mound UMC, MUSIC really is a ministry. Not only can you participate in rounding out our worship services, but there's no better way to get to know other people in the congregation than by gathering with them each week to practice. 

Learn More about the Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Singing Opportunities

"With gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God." -- Colossians 3:16

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir is at the heart of the FMUMC music department.  This vibrant group leads music weekly in the 11:00 am worship services, as well as special music worship services at Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and All Saints’ Sunday.

Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm in the choir room. 

Open to adults, as well as college and high school students.  New members are always welcome!

Can't commit to every week?  Come and sing for a season, or for a special music service or concert.

"The Blue Shirts" Men's Choir

Real Men Sing for Jesus (aka "The Blue Shirts")!

Men's choir comes together to practice each Wednesday evening at 8:30, for a short 30 minutes, in the Choir Room.

This group sings every 4-6 weeks and are a FMUMC favorite!  

You do not have to be a member of the Sanctuary choir to join Men's Choir - all are welcome!

"Cantate Domini" Youth Choir

'Cantate Domini' Youth Choir is made up of youth, grades 6-12, who sing to make the world a better place; to bring beauty to a world that's full of dissonance, and to bring hope, justice and caring to those in need.  They sing a wide variety of music, from classical to contemporary Christian, as well as global music.  Occasionally they play drums, Orff xylem or handbells.  This group sings in worship, and takes their music out into the world to share with others.  In the early Spring, they host a fellowship fundraiser in the church called "Soul Cup."

Rehearsals are Sundays at 4 pm.
Email  to receive email updates.

PB & JAM (Primary Bible & Jesus, Arts and Music)

Elementary aged children will sing, move, play Orff instruments, boom whackers and dramatize stories from the Bible.

JAM will also have a breakout session called PB (primary Bible) where kids will play fun games while learning Bible skills. The activities will compliment the music portion of JAM (Jesus, Arts, and Music)

We currently meet Sundays at 5:00pm. Email Kerry Mays at  to be added to the email list!

Instrumental Opportunities

"Praise God with the sounding of the trumpets, with the harp and lyre; Praise God with tambourine and dancing, with the string and flute. Praise God with the clash of resounding cymbals!" -- Psalm 150

Celebration Ringers

Celebration Ringers is open to all adult and youth handbell ringers from early intermediate to advanced levels.  This 5 octave handbell choir offers music in worship every 4-6 weeks, including Easter and Christmas. Come join us and learn to worship God in a new and different way!

The ‘Celebration Ringers’ practice on Wednesday nights at 5:00 pm in Room C10/12.

"Joyful Noise" Ringers

Intergenerational chime choir for beginners. Meets 6 weeks in the fall, and again in the spring.

Brass Ensemble

Open to all youth and adult experienced brass players.  Rehearsals are determined by members' schedules.

Good Vibrations Orchestra

Open to string and wind players with 2+ years playing experience.  Rehearsals every other Sunday at 4:00 pm in C10-12.  

Ukelele Choir

Come, all ages, singles and families, to this fun group to play ukulele on favorite sacred and secular songs. We play for shut-ins, retirement homes, fellowship events, and sometimes  worship. Our aim is to spread cheer and the love of Jesus through music. Beginners welcome! We have a few extra ukuleles so you can try it out. This group meets as needed for special projects.

Seasonal & Festive Opportunities

"Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw cares away." -- From Carol of the Bells

Can't commit to regularly participating in FMUMC's Music Ministry?  Stay tuned for more information regarding our seasonal opportunities and help make our holidays at FMUMC special!