Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry at Flower Mound UMC is committed to growing together in study + fellowship + service! If you would like to get connected, please fill out the form at the link below:

Connect with our Men's Ministry!

In addition to what's listed, look here for other small group opportunities in Adult Ministry + Women's Ministry + Children's Ministry + Youth Ministry.

Upcoming Events:

Fella's Fellowship | Jul. 26 | 11:30 AM-2:30 PM | Offsite
Fella's Fellowships are low commitment, fellowship opportunities designed to help you meet other men in the congregation, develop friendships and explore your faith with in the presence of fellow disciples of Jesus. Group contact is Gene Gray.
Men's Power Hour | 2nd + 4th Fridays | 7-8 AM | Library

Join this group of men every other Friday for bagels, coffee + conversational study rooted in scripture.

ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) | Wednesdays | 11:30 AM | Offsite

Exactly what it sounds like, this is a group of men who gather weekly to break bread together. Whether you're retired or not, sign up to get placed on their mailing list and come and go each week as you're available. Contact Dick Arp to join in!

Breakfast with a Purpose | May 10 | 8-10 AM | Fellowship Hall

Gather over a Saturday breakfast with a topic to learn about and a purpose to be in fellowship together! Food provided with love offering taken.

NEXT EVENT: May 10, 8-10 AM "Dementia 101" Alzheimer's & Elder Care 

Men Serving Together | Various Opportunities

Our men serve together in many of our FMUMC Mission opportunities - whether building beds with Sleep in Heavenly Peace or making breakfast at First Meal Denton. Check out any of our upcoming ministry opportunities below:


More Adult Ministry Opportunities Here:

more adult classes small groups!