Welcome to Flower Mound United Methodist Church

At Flower Mound United Methodist Church, Easter is about new life!
As we journey with Jesus through Holy week, we begin with a parade of palms and end with the passion of the cross. 
Yet, Easter Sunday brings joy and hope in the risen Christ! 

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Lenten Book Study: The Final Days

Join us for a book study on Final Days, by Matt Rawle. This study is the basis for our Lenten worship sermon series.
Our Thursday morning 9:30-10:30 AM class will start March 6 and Tuesday evening 7-8 PM class will start Mar 11.

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SUNDAY,  APRIL 13   |  8:30, 9:30 and 11 am

On Palm Sunday, we wave palms honoring Jesus as Lord of our lives and His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.



Maundy Thursday celebrates and remembers Jesus’ initiation of the Lord's Supper with the disciples in the Upper Room. This special worship service fittingly will include a time of Holy Communion. We will reflect on some of Jesus’ last time with the disciples and how Jesus’ example of service, even in His last hours, calls us to love another.

Childcare is available during this service.



On Good Friday, our traditional Tenebrae service of light and darkness leads us through the stations of the cross in the last moments of Jesus life and death.    Childcare will be available for this service for children under age 5.

Outdoor Sunrise Service | 6:30 am
This beautiful, youth-led sunrise service on the lawn will begin our celebration of Easter Sunday morning,
adorning the cross with color and celebrating Holy Communion together. Bring your chair or blanket!
 Sanctuary Services | 9:00 & 11:00 am

Alongside the choir and praise band, this blended worship service on Easter Sunday celebrates the risen Christ with bells, brass and much joy!

Livestream available at 11:00 am

Our floral Easter cross will adorn the narthex, ready for your annual family photos!

Easter Lilies 

Would you like to donate an Easter lily to be used in the Sanctuary for Easter? You may donate in Honor or Memory of a loved one. Names will be displayed during worship on Easter.

Flowers will remain in the Sanctuary through worship on Easter Day, April 20. They can be picked up after the last service or on Tuesday during office hours.

Deadline for donations is April 11 for inclusion in the Easter service.

donate easter lilies