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Your Faith is Amazing!

Your Faith is Amazing!

by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on February 05, 2025

Reading: Luke 7:1-17

One of the beautiful things about being the pastor of this church is that I amazed by your faith – daily. Hearing your life stories and the hurdles you have overcome because of your steadfast assurance of God’s presence, gives me steadfast assurance of God’s presence when I feel alone. Watching as you show up week after week to care for the homebound, or wash laundry of the homeless or pray for those who are hurting, gives me strength to serve even when I am tired. Seeing the church come together in a Scriptural hunger and a desire to grow, inspires me to delve more deeply into my Biblical development. The beauty of the body of Christ is that as we are amazed at the faith of each other, it makes us a stronger witness.

As we consider the witness of this body of Christ, I wonder if you can imagine Jesus saying to you – “Your faith is amazing!” Most of us would struggle to grasp that level of affirmation, because we focus more on our own faults and failures, or the ways we fear we have disappointed God. But this week, in our Scripture – Jesus is “amazed” at the faith of the centurion. In fact, Jesus says “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” What a high compliment! It makes us wonder: what was so great about the centurion that Jesus found such amazing faith in him? We don’t know really – beyond the fact that he was a Roman centurion, commanding 100 soldiers, fighting and killing for the Roman empire, who helped build the temple, and who had many slaves who would obey his commands, so he believed Jesus could do the same. Take a moment and read through those qualifications and reflect upon it. For the fact is, there was not much remarkable about what this centurion was doing to serve God specifically, not much that we would point to that helped others profoundly, and not much that we might look to and say – what a great witness! And yet, Jesus was amazed by him.

Perhaps this is just the assurance we all need to hear – that Jesus sees our heart, and knows our goodness, is aware of what the best of us is – and looks at who you are and what you do and says- “Your faith is amazing!”

So on the days where you wonder if your faith makes a difference, just imagine Jesus words and the amazing faith Jesus sees in you – and know that your faith might just be what someone else needs to strengthen their own.

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