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Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ?

by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on January 15, 2025

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who Is Jesus Christ?

We often skip from Christmas to Easter: the baby Jesus born to Christ crucified, both practically and personally. Sometimes that looks like worship attendance as a "Chreaster" (attending on Christmas and Easter). Other times it is how we focus on Jesus tender love revealed in the vulnerability of a baby, and Jesus' sacrificial love as revealed on the cross. Whether we realize it or not, this impacts our theological framework. For if we focus so much upon the birth and death of Jesus, we might overlook the practical, real-life connections of Jesus ministry on earth. This ministry is the day by day of Jesus, from his experiences as a child wandering away from his parents, to his very first sermon. It shows us the power of friendships and the pain of betrayal. It relates to our heartbreak in the grief of losing loved ones, and the questions of miraculous healing. It helps us learn how to pray and how those prayers lead us to compassionate action. It lets us see how Jesus Christ was fully human AND fully divine.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will be journeying through the book of Luke, as we dig deep into the stories of Jesus life on earth. I believe that as we read and study the life of Jesus from Luke's perspective, it will help us understand more of the WHY of our faith. Why we nurture children in love, and why we suffer with those who are dying. Why we are raising Christians from the time of their birth and how we can live faithfully until the time of our death. Why Jesus grew up among common folk and why he hung out with the poor.

I hope you will commit to join in worship over these next 6 weeks, to engage in a deeper relationship personally and theologically with WHO Jesus was during his time on earth so long ago and is for us today. Let's not skip this vital time to learn who Jesus Christ is on earth.

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