Time (for) Change
by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on March 12, 2025
Time Change Sunday is the worst for me.
I’m not just talking about losing an extra hour of sleep, or the fact that Sunday is a workday for me. I’m not even talking about how the extra caffeine needed to get through three services of preaching wreaks havoc on my stomach. I’m talking about my ego.
On Time Change Sunday, attendance in worship is always lower, and I get discouraged. I look out at the many empty seats in the congregation, and I take it too personally. I think to myself, “Well, I guess my sermons aren’t worth anyone getting out of bed to hear. It’s just the continuing trend of declining attendance, and it only seems to be getting worse. It must be my preaching. It doesn’t seem that all churches have this problem -look at their full parking lots.”
Yes, if you didn’t know it already, I sometimes struggle with self-confidence. Time Change Sunday brings out the worst of my ego issues and how deeply I misunderstand Jesus’ purpose as it relates to my own.
So, Mark is a good gospel for me to read this week. Mark reads like a sermon for those who are already believers. Throughout Mark’s gospel, the disciples consistently misunderstand Jesus’ teachings. They miss the point of His life, teaching, healing, and crucifixion by wanting Jesus to be the next Elijah, or a popular leader who gives them extra affirmation. They want Jesus to be a powerful king who will redeem Israel as a nation.
It reminds me that sometimes we too look for a Jesus who is popular and powerful, with lots of followers, because that makes us feel good about being part of the "in crowd." But in the gospel of Mark, instead of the image of Jesus that matches our ego’s need, we find a self-sacrificial, crucified Jesus. This is why the gospel of Mark is meant to be read over and over again, in the hope that eventually, we stop looking for the Messiah we want and start living in the crucified and resurrected life we have.
I’m re-reading the gospel of Mark this week, and I hope you’ll join me. I’m going to stop looking for the Messiah who makes me feel less than and not enough because people don’t show up on Sunday. I’m going to stop listening for the Messiah that is concerned with filling my ego with importance. Instead, I will listen to the One who is self-sacrificial.
And hopefully, this time with Jesus will help me change a little bit more.
March 05, 2025
February 26, 2025
February 19, 2025