The Impression of Jesus
by Rev. Paul Maletic on January 22, 2025
What does it take to impress you? What kind of people do you naturally notice + turn your head toward? Whether it is certain political figures, business leaders, or even inspirational speakers, we all have characteristics we see in others that compel us and draw us in.
And then there was Jesus. We see in this story of Jesus calling Simon Peter, James + John how there was just something compelling + impressive about Jesus that begged to not be ignored. Yes, this had to be a mix of confidence, humility, certainty that Jesus carried among many other things. Yet, Peter’s exclamation of “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” reminds us of what is most important. Jesus is Lord. Jesus’ lordship comes directly from His divinity. Jesus is God in human form. Though we say Jesus is God’s Son, the doctrine of the Trinity reminds us that Jesus does not hold a lesser place than God or Spirit. Jesus is not created like we as humans are. Jesus as being the very essence and nature of God is the Lord of all.
It might be easy to then see Jesus as a divine otherworldly force that we must be wary of at our own peril, just as Peter can’t help but blurt out. This kind of relationship was normal in religion of that day – Greek gods that disguised as human but then overpower + smite us when we peel back to their true form. We know we are messed up as humans, so Jesus should just stay away for both of our goods. And yet withstanding His own lordship, Jesus calls.
Jesus calls to Peter, James + John, “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching people.” Jesus’ divine lordship is different. Jesus’ lordship draws us in and gives us purpose. Instead of Jesus’ holy divinity being off-putting or dangerous, it reminds us + draws us to who God created us to be. Jesus reminds us of the impression God has always had + will have on our lives, from the very moment God breathed God’s Spirit into us. Jesus’ lordship is what the disciples saw in that moment. This is what compelled them to listen to Jesus originally telling them where to throw their nets, despite their own vast experience as fishermen. Jesus’ lordship is what also by the end of that short moment made them drop everything they knew and follow. May we too take in Jesus’ call + purpose of love in our lives.
February 12, 2025
February 05, 2025
January 29, 2025