The Big Picture
by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on November 20, 2024
This past Monday evening, I was driving south on Preston Road during the sunset. As I looked to the west, I took in the big picture of that moment. You see, I was on Preston Road – in Texoma - returning from the Board of Ordained ministry interviews, on a journey I knew well. For 12 years I have been traveling that road, back and forth at least twice a year, to interview candidates for ordained ministry. I had just finished the last set of interviews and completed my time on the board, and the beautiful horizon gave me pause to reflect on a dozen years of that spiritual journey. Sometimes the interviews were filled with joy as candidates who heard a call to ministry, studied in seminary, completed years of residency, turned in hundreds of pages of theological and Biblical paperwork, sermons, psychological testing, and financial reviews were recommended for ordination. Sometimes those interviews were filled with grief as candidates who heard a call to ministry, studied in seminary, and completed years of residency, turned in hundreds of pages of theological and Biblical paperwork, sermons, psychological testing, and financial reviews were deferred for ordination. Ordination in the United Methodist Church is a minimum 5 and a maximum of 9-year process to complete the many requirements to ensure a Biblical, theological, psychological, emotional, and financial framework to entrust a pastor with the well-being of a church. It’s a long hard road to become a pastor in the United Methodist Church, intentionally.
But what I was reminded of in this sunset moment is how this small part of my ministry was part of my lifelong ministry. For in every interview conducted, I have learned something more about who God is, what my calling requires, and how to live that out faithfully from those who are being interviewed. As candidates have shared stories, I am reminded of how God is at work through and despite me. I’ve been given a glimpse of how a difficult moment of ministry in my local church is framed in the larger picture of the whole church. I have seen hope for the church’s future imagining the work that these candidates will do in the future with their gifts for which I am not capable. Being part of the Board of Ordained Ministry has given me a big picture of ministry that is a grounding and assuring presence of what it means to serve a God who has the big picture of the kingdom of God always on the horizon.
Why do I tell you this?
As we read through the book of Jeremiah in our narrative lectionary – I am reminded that Jeremiah has a 40-year ministry. He is a prophet, forthtelling God’s judgment and grace to the many kings of Judah. His prophetic work is hard, especially when his words are ignored, he is rejected and even imprisoned. In this passage of Jeremiah, his scroll is burned by the king, and yet…. Jeremiah continues on. The words he shares with the kings over time do not seem to bear fruit and yet, he is steadfast. He is part of the bigger picture of God’s work, even when he does not see the fruit of his labor.
There are times in our life when we can feel like giving up, that the work feels too hard, that the frustrations are too much, and the results are not what we hope. Today we listen to Jeremiah and his work in the big picture of what God is doing. As we do so, I invite you to consider the places where your work might feel fruitless, or your words might not feel heard. And know that in your faithfulness of steadfastness, the big picture of God’s work will be done.
March 05, 2025
February 26, 2025
February 19, 2025