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Should we look for someone else?

Should we look for someone else?

by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on February 12, 2025

Luke 7:18-35
Throughout this month, we have been engaging in the book of Luke to discover who “Jesus Is…”  As we are halfway through the series, I hope you are starting to consider how all of the titles of Savior, Healer, Lord, Human, Divine, are starting to apply to Jesus’ role in your own life.  I hope that you are  starting to see the many ways Jesus is fully present in your life in the many roles He encompasses everyday.  Yet, as this passage from Luke states, our temptation is to ask “Should we look for someone else?”  Is Jesus REALLY present with us in all times, in all places, in all situations, or should we look for someone else to fill that role?
When we are lonely, should we look for someone else to fill that loneliness?
When we are scared, should we look for something else to give us comfort?
When we are hopeless, should we look for other ways to find our future hope?
When we are hurting, should we look for other means to experience healing?
Most of the times, as much as we want the answer to always be Jesus, our answer to this question is filled in with something quite different.  Looking for connection to fill the  gap of loneliness is found in expectations made upon our spouse or friends that are unrealistic.  Looking for comfort is found in fleeting bubble baths or Netflix binges, that are fleeting.  Looking for hope is experienced by dreams of loosing weight or making more money, that have unpredictable outcomes.  Looking for healing is found in numbing pain through affirmation from others, that never seems enough.  We find plenty of ways to fill in the gaps with someone or something else.
But instead of saying – “don’t do this, because the only answer is Jesus," I’d like to offer another alternative. 
Consider how Jesus IS present in all of those things.  How are you looking for Jesus in that spouse or friend, and honor  where you see Jesus affirmed, AND  then recognize the other places Jesus is filling by inner belovedness.  Look for Jesus presence in the relaxation that bath or movie provides, AND realize  how Jesus provides other paths to balance that out which are also meaningful for you.  Look for how the quest for wellness physically or financially is part of hope in your life, AND how this is only a glimpse of a  deeper experience of Jesus unending love.  Appreciate the words of affirmation from others as part of Jesus’ encouragement to you, AND how many more Jesus message  gives in assurance of your worth.
I believe Jesus presence is one we look for in ALL places, not that one is better than others.   Jesus is big enough, broad enough and caring enough to fill in all the blank spaces of our lives.

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