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Renewal Together

Renewal Together

by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on January 08, 2025

Reading: Luke 3:1-22

This Sunday, we will reaffirm our baptismal covenant together as a church family. This annual liturgical practice offers us an opportunity to renew our baptism vows so we can focus our new year’s purpose on being a disciple of Christ. 

What does it mean to renew these vows – particularly this week, in the context of the waters from the sky shifting to snow and ice? It is a symbol of the constancy of God’s love in the seasons of life’s change. Certainly, the threat of icy roadways causes us to rightly worry about safety and security of our loved ones. Certainly, the beauty of a winter wonderland is a joy to anticipate in its beauty and the peaceful perspective it provides. The change of water's state, reminds me that in all our fears and hopes, God’s grace is constant. The water, whether frozen, fleeting or flowing, is always present. More and more in my belief system, it feels like the only constant I know.

For I have found that when faith is defined by God’s answering prayers with only the best outcomes, or God’s blessings defined only by the security of personal provision, we start to drown in the disappointment of our baptismal waters. Our baptismal covenant becomes filling up our theological cup satiated by our limited knowledge of divine will. Belief becomes certainty of why hard things happen in life as “all a part of God’s plan.”  Absolute truth becomes stagnant doctrine in the right and wrong answers judged in ourselves and others.

That’s why we need this renewal in baptism. Because the water of God’s grace is always there – whether frozen or flowing in the seasons of life. God is continuing to quench our thirst and sustain our faith, even when we cannot understand it, predict it, or find answers in it. Baptism just asks us- will you let yourself be marked by these waters of God’s grace?

This week, we will be reminded in all of the seasons of change that our answer is: yes.

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