by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on December 18, 2024
“Here am I, let it be with me, according to your Word.”
Mary’s response leaves me incredulous and perplexed! As a young woman who was likely about 15 years old, how did she have the confidence to accept this task of carrying God’s child? How did she have a level of faith trusting the angels words to be true in such an unlikely circumstance? Why didn’t she ask more than one question? Maybe it’s just me, but I have to wonder if Luke left out some details in the story of the annunciation.
There is one verse that makes me think this- “she was much perplexed.” Perplexing has been the key to this story for all the ages. From scholarly insights explaining the origin of the virgin meaning “unmarried” or “young girl,” to the doctrine of Mary as sinless, blameless and pure, there are many ways that the faithful explain this story. And yet, I wonder in all it’s complex explanations, perhaps we can accept this simple ending: the willingness of a young girl to accept the invitation to partner in God’s work .
Sometimes, we have a tendency to make the birth of Jesus more perplexing than it needs to be. Our celebrations focus on finding the perfect gift to impress an in-law, or ensuring that every detail on our checklist of welcoming guests is complete. We stress about remembering who we have sent Christmas cards to so no one is left out, and we run to the store to pick up that last minute ingredient for the favorite family recipe. The stress and the strain that has become Christmas for so many is painful in the exhaustion and busy-ness of it all. So perhaps making this all a bit more simple can help give us some perspective.
Consider how, this Christmas, God is inviting you into partnership.
When you are searching for that perfect gift, God is partnering with you so everyone is gifted.
When you are making that list and checking it twice, God is partnering with you so that each person is assured they matter.
When we worry about leaving someone off the list, God is partnering with you so that no one is forgotten.
When you are running errands for that last minute recipe, God is partnering with you to ensure all are fed.
Perhaps each and every thing on our list is an opportunity to experience God’s simple invitation to be in partnership in the holy work God is already about doing. So our response can be: “Here am I, let it be with me, according to your Word.”
And that, I believe, helps it all feel a little less perplexing.
Wishing you and yours all of the peace, hope, love and joy the Christ child brings.
February 12, 2025
February 05, 2025
January 29, 2025