Leaning In or Checking Out
by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on November 06, 2024
Today our country is filled with mixed emotions. Some feel elated, some feel deflated. Some are excited about the future, some are fearful about the future. Some believe the country is back on the right track, some feel the country is off the track completely. Some think democracy has been fulfilled, some think democracy will be destroyed.
My guess is that each person in our church reading this is on a different side of the aisle. And if you feel like your side has “won” you are more likely to lean in to the future. If you feel like your side has “lost” you may want to check out for the future. Either side you are on, it seems like the political division has only worsened, making us want to check out from a side different than ours, rather than leaning in to a deeper understanding.
As our narrative lectionary leads us into the prophets, we hear about Jonah, who wanted to run away from God’s call, checking out, instead of leaning in. He did not want to deal with the people of Ninevah, because he believed they were evil, and unredeemable. When his opinion of God’s judgement upon them did not occur, he checked out. If you read to the end of the book, God’s word reveals that Jonah has no right to judge what God knows of the heart of the people of Ninevah. Lean in, God calls, to an understanding of God’s desire for redemption of all creation.
This reminds us as Christians, we are called to a different standard. We are called to be united in Christ, not divided by worldly categories. As much as I may align with one political opinion, I must be an example of honoring my sibling in Christ: to show respect, to provide care, to offer openness to understanding. I must lean in, even when I want to check out. Even when I feel like the same is not being done towards me, I must be faithful to the call to see the holy in each individual person. To realize that each person has the holy spark of the Divine within them, and never demonizing another individual. I must believe that I breathe the same air, as the holy breath that gives each of us life uniting us. I must recognize that each of us have blood within us, that is the blood of the cross, uniting us in a forgiving love of Christ.
I ask that each of us not only pray for our nation, our country and our leaders in the aftermath of this election, but that we may lean in to seeing our unity – in the divine spark, the holy breath and the reconciling blood of Jesus Christ in each and every one of us. When the world divides us, let us lean in to being united in what we all have in common, and what we all depend upon – the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
December 18, 2024
December 11, 2024
December 04, 2024