A New Year of Safe Space
by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on January 03, 2024
Matthew 2:1-12
Happy New Year to you all!
What a beautiful celebration we shared in the birth of Christ together this Christmas Eve!
This Sunday we conclude our Christmas celebration with the journey of the Wise Men. Known as the Sunday of Epiphany – it expresses the seeking of wisdom and enlightenment found in Jesus.
We hear the story of the wise men following the star they believed would lead them to their destination. Throughout our lives, like the wise travelers, we all search for meaning. Sometimes the star guide is bright and clear on our faith journey, so we follow it with confidence and assurance. But sometimes the star dims, and is no longer bright enough to guide us. I’m talking about doubts in our faith.
It’s that experience when your search for God’s presence as you look up feels more like darkness and a void.
It’s that cloudiness that covers the once bright joy of following Jesus with a life experience that makes you question your belief structure.
It’s that experience of looking up and seeing so many bright stars of meaning that you aren’t sure which one to follow.
This is our search for God’s presence and human meaning that brings us into spaces of having our doubts.
How can I explain this so clearly? Because I’ve had my doubts too.
I share this with you not only in honesty, but because in this new year, one of our church’s goals is to provide a safe space for those who experience doubts, and have not had a safe place to express them.
So for the next three weeks in worship, I will be intentionally discussing doubts in the hopes this provides a safe space for others to continue to do the same.
In this series, we will have three weeks in a sermon series, opportunities for discussions, resources of books and podcasts to allow doubts to be normalized, as well as ways to journey through it. In the end, I believe we will find hope through doubt.
Why are we doing this?
Because there are a lot of people going through this- but not talking about it.
They might be someone you know that has given up on organized religion, never returned to church after Covid, or been disillusioned by God’s presence after a traumatic life experience. This is a perfect time to either invite them to attend or watch online (that can feel less intimidating than in person for shyer people), forward along a devotional, offer them the resources, or just provide them safe space in conversation to process. Whether it is you who need this series, or someone you know, I pray that the honesty and transparency I will offer will be met with assurance that I can share my doubts with you, just as you can with me, and together, we will walk this journey of faith together.
Please join me starting Sunday, January 7 – Sunday, January 21 for our series “Faith After Doubt”
Sunday, January 7 – Doubt As Normalcy (the Uh Oh Moments)
Sunday, January 14 – Stages of Faith and Doubt
Sunday, January 21 – Faith After Doubt
As we take this journey together, remember, even in your doubts, God calls you a beloved child.
January 22, 2025
January 15, 2025
January 08, 2025