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Just Breathe

Just Breathe

by Rev. Alexandra Robinson on May 04, 2022

“The Lord God formed the human[a] from the topsoil of the fertile land[b] and blew life’s breath into his nostrils. The human came to life.” Genesis 2:7 (CEB version)


In weeks like this one, the tweets, posts, chatter and reports of everything going on in the world is overwhelming.  Whether your concern lies in mental health, physical health or the health of the church, there is plenty to share your opinions and talk about.  Our air space is crowded.  I appreciate and respect healthy debate and constructive conversation, but most of what I hear seems to demonize differences of opinion to dehumanize one another.  So what I have focused on is breathing.  And not just in a survival mentality, but for spiritual well-being. 

Each morning for several months now, I have developed a simple routine. In my morning prayers, I take three deep breaths and connect those breaths with the Trinity. 

I breathe in the creativity of God, and breathe out God’s creativity into the world.

I breathe in the compassion of Jesus, and breathe out Jesus’ compassion into the world.

I breathe in the connection to the Holy Spirit, and breathe out the Spirit’s connection into the world.

On weeks like this, I find myself doing several cycles of this Trinitarian formula– 6, 9 and even 12 breaths in my morning prayers.

This centers me for the day, but also assures me of the power of breath.  Breath is life given from God.  In the second creation story in the book of Genesis, we are told that God breathed into humanity.  Breath is not something humanity can create, for it is the spark that gives us life.  Though life forms may not have always breathed oxygen, it is the assurance of even scientists that breathing some in some form is essential to life.  That breath is our commonality in all of humanity.  Breath offers us the single unifying factor which none of us can live without. 

Yet breath is also the cycle of life connecting us – as the oxygen/carbon dioxide we breathe in and out is shared.  Research by theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss shows that molecules we breathe each day are evenly distributed throughout the environment.  Each 24 hours, you take in about 20,000 breaths, or about 7.3 million breaths a year. This means there is a mathematical probability that more than 99 out of 100 of our breaths will contain molecules from people anywhere in the world from any time period. 

As humans, we breathe and rebreathe the same air as it circulates around the globe.

 Over the course of our lives -we have shared air space with all of humanity!  And in that shared air space, perhaps we can realize our life force as connected, despite our differences.  Can that basic commonality be enough?  It must be.

If breath is the spark that gives us life,  breath can also be the spark that gives life to one another.  I believe that despite the many places in which we focus on our differences, we can find in our breath together a shared air space to bind and unite us as common humanity. So when you are feeling discouraged, disheartened or disconnected – just breathe.

Tags: trinity, breathe, genesis 2:7, overwhelm, just breathe

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